Lunes, Agosto 5, 2013


1.) Old pond
      a frog jumps
      the sound of water.

2.) The tree cut,
      dawn breaks early
      at my little window.

3.) Snow in my shoe
      Sparrow's nest.

4.) Bass
      picking bugs
      off the moon.


5.) Meteor shower
     a gentle wave
     wets our sandals.

6.) The sweetest of leaves
      can become rather bitter
      when steeped for too long.

7.) All of these straw men
     together must constitute
     a huge fire hazard.

8.) Sleeping baby rest 

                                                                                         in the mighty hands of God
                                                                                         safest place to be.

                                                                        9.) Lightning and thunder,
                                                                              Earth and sky tremble and shake,
                                                                              God's awakening.

10.) Pause and reflect as
        we takes time to celebrate
        the day of your birth.

11.) Everything I touch
        with tenderness, alas
        bricks like a bramble.

12.) Over the wintry
        forest, winds howl in rage
        with no leaves to blow.

13.) As the wind does blow
       across the trees, I see the
       buds blooming in May.

14.) Falling to the ground,
        I watch a leaf settle down
        in a bed of brown.

15.) After summer's rain
        God's promise
        that they have a rainbow.

16.) The wind is blowing
        It is blowing very hard
        I don't like the wind.

17.) To be a leader,
        one must first dream them act out,
        fulfillment is yours.

18.) Silence around us
        our watchful eyes hear the world
        hands do the talking.

19.) I love Winnie the Pooh
        Winnie the Pooh loves to eat honey
        bees chase Winnie the Pooh.

20.) The Flowers
        Reached the sky
        As on the grass I lie.

21.) The winter is over
        spring is here hurry good cheer!

        I am glad it's here!

22.) Fall is almost here
        I like the colorful leaves
        others like the fall too.

23.) Snow falling slowly
        blanking the trees and road
        silence and beauty

24.) Creatures have homes
        they call it environment
        Humans ruin them.


 25.) Flowers are growing
        I feel the wind blow past me
        My heart keeps smiling.

                                                                                         26.) Sunlight melts the ice
                                                                                                 the water is rising high
                                                                                                 sea  is expanding.

27.) My heart is crying
        Our mother is in great pain
        How can we save her?

28.) The scent of cherry blossoms
         in the spring breeze
         Will see you tonight?

29.) Sunlight streams
        through red petals
        trembling like my heart.

30.) Will you turn toward me?
        I am lonely too,
        this Autumn evening.

31.) Everything I touch
        with tenderness, alas
        pricks like a bramble.

32.) Those who came before
         shall forever be with us,
         always remembered.

33.) Butterflies are cool
        in the big, huge, green forest.
        They fly up so high!

34.) Moths go flying by
        they are very beautiful
        fluttering around

35.) Poetry and love
         will fill your heart forever
         or rip it to shreds.

36.) The bee files quickly,
         it turns around and stings me
         then falls to the ground.

37.) Happiest Birthday!
        I would offer to sing, but
        nobody wants that.

38.) Hope you're surrounded
        by people and things you love
        on your special day.

39.) Blowing from the west
         Fallen leaves gather
         In the east.

40.) From time to time
        The clouds give rest
         To the moon-beholders.

41.) Over the wintry
        forest, winds howl in rage
        with no leaves to blow


42.) My life.-
        How much more of it remains?
        The night is brief.

43.) Consider me
        As one who loved poetry
        And persimmons.

                                                                                                        44.) No sky
                                                                                                               no earth - but still
                                                                                                               snowflakes fall.

45.) I fill an ant
        and realize my two niece
        have been watching.

46.) It's a land of dreams
        without beginning and end
        where I want to.

47.) The sun is magic
         I feel the need to hug it
         to the sun I'll fly.

48.) The bees are buzzing
         beautiful flowers are here
         The flowers smell good.

49.) Tulips are blooming
         Sun is out and shining bright
         Green grass is growing

50.) Beaches are open
       Strong waves are touching the roots
        kids are coming back.

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