Martes, Setyembre 24, 2013

Contemporary Filipino Author

Region 1:

Jean-Paul Sartre

(1905-1980) born in Paris in 1905, studied at the École Normale Supérieure from 1924 to 1929 and became Professor of Philosophy at Le Havre in 1931. Sartre is one of those writers for whom a determined philosophical position is the centre of their artistic being. Although drawn from many sources, for example, Husserl's idea of a free, fully intentional consciousness and Heidegger's existentialism, the existentialism Sartre formulated and popularized is profoundly original. Its popularity and that of its author reached a climax in the forties, and Sartre's theoretical writings as well as his novels and plays constitute one of the main inspirational sources of modern literature. In his philosophical view atheism is taken for granted; the "loss of God" is not mourned. Man is condemned to freedom, a freedom from all authority, which he may seek to evade, distort, and deny but which he will have to face if he is to become a moral being.

Edgar Calabia Samar

Edgar Calabia Samar is the author of two novels, Sa Kasunod ng 909 (UST Publishing House, 2012) and Walong Diwata ng Pagkahulog (Anvil Publishing, 2009); two poetry collections, Pag-aabang sa Kundiman: Isang Tulambuhay (Ateneo de Manila University Office of Research & Publications, 2006) and Isa Na Namang Pagtingala sa Buwan (National Commission for Culture and the Arts, 2005); a children's storybook, Uuwi na ang Nanay Kong si Darna! (Adarna House, 2005); and a book of personal & critical essays, Halos Isang Buhay Ang Manananggal sa Pagsusulat ng Nobela (UST Publishing House, 2012). 

Ricardo M. de Ungria



Ricardo M. de Ungria earned his A.B. Literature from the De La Salle University, and later obtained an M.F.A. in the Creative Arts from the Washington University in Missouri, U.S.A in 1990. He is a founding member of the Philippine Literary Arts Council (PLAC) and the Unyon ng mga Manunulat ng Pilipinas (UMPIL).

For his poetry, he has received recognition from all over the world. Not only has he been a Fellow at Fulbright, Hawthornden Castle International Retreat for Writers, Bellagio Study & Conference Center, and Washington University, but he has also gathered awards like the Academy of American Poets Prize. Similar achievements include nods from the Saint Louis Poetry Annual Contest, Florida State University's State Street Poetry Contest, Manila Critics' Circle, Palanca, CCP Verse-Writing Contest, and the Free Press.

Philippine Literature


comes from the Latin "prosa" which means "straightforward". Prose can be written or spoken and has no formal metrical structure. It is basically ordinary language the way people speak. Is a form of language which applies ordinary grammatical structure and natural flow of speech rather than rhythmic structure (as in traditional poetry). While there are critical debates on the construction of prose, its simplicity and loosely defined structure has led to its adoption for the majority of spoken dialogue, factual discourse as well as topical and fictional writing. It is commonly used, for example, in literaturenewspapersmagazinesencyclopediasbroadcastingfilmhistory,philosophylaw and many other forms of communication.

◘ Prose in Nonfiction
◘ Prose in Plays
◘ Prose in Speeches


Short Story
A prose narrative limited to a certain word limit is defined as a short story. It generally includes descriptions, dialogues, and commentaries. However, one characteristic that distinguishes a short story from the other kinds of prose is the concentration on a compact narrative with detailed character drawing. In general, short stories are believed to have existed decades back, even before the art of writing was known to man. The oldest recorded example of a short story is considered to be the Egyptian tale of “The Two Brothers” dated around 3200 BC.

◘ The Red Pony
◘ Nightfall
◘ A study in Scarlet

Similar to a short story, a novel includes uncertain information since it centers on different types and possibilities. However, the length of a novel is highly undecided due to the numerous characters and situations included in it. In short, a novel is a comprehensive narrative on a large scale, in particular. Just like short stories, novels, too, have known to exist ever since literature came into existence. Amongst all the prose kinds, the novel dominates the industry, both in terms of quality and quantity. However, considering its quantity, its only rival is the magazine short story.

◘ Call me Ishmael - Moby Dick by Herman Melville
◘ You better not never tell nobody but God - The color purple - Alice Walker
◘ It was bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. 1984 - George Orwell
A fable is a short allegorical tale emphasizing on a moral or any principle of behavior. The characters of fables are usually animals that portray like human beings, though they keep their animal traits intact. The moral of these fables is highlighted towards the end of the story in the form of a proverb and is generally enacted. The oldest fables describe stories of why crows are black, or why different animals display different characteristics, such as a sly fox, a dignified lion, and so on. The earliest fables came from Greece and India, while the oldest Western fables were those of Aesop.

◘ Fable of The Ant and the Grasshopper
◘ Fable of A Lion and A Mouse
◘ Fable of An Old Man and An Ass

Fairy Tale
Stories of kings, princesses, poor farmers, and queens are not new to any one of us. They are generally guided by supernatural or magical events that fascinate us to get engrossed in them. These short stories are nothing but fairy tales. They are distinguished by generalized characters without being individualized or localized; thus, the names ‘a king’, ‘a queen’, ‘a poor farmer’, and ‘a princess’. Fairy tales begin with misfortunes graduating towards undergoing adventures and solving mysteries, and ending in a happily-ever-after mode, thereby rewarding the virtue. These stories often revolve around charms, magic, disguise, and spells. Hans Christian Andersen (Danish), Basile (Italian), the Grimm Brothers (German), Perrault (French), and Keightley and Croker (English) are known to create some of the most famous collections of fairy tales.
◘ Hunchback of Notre Dame (1939)
◘ The Witches (1990)
◘ The Brothers Grimm (2005)

A tale is a kind of prose narrative that describes strange and wonderful events in the form of somewhat bare summary. However, the main character is not focused on or given due importance. In fact, the goal or purpose of the tale is highlighted and given front seat rather than the main protagonist himself. For example, in the tale English folk of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’, the beanstalk and the giant are highlighted instead of Jack’s personality.

◘ A Tale of Two Little Girls
◘ Snow White
◘ Pinocchio


is an imaginative awareness of experience expressed through meaning, sound, and rhythmic language choices so as to evoke an emotional response. Poetry has been known to employ meter and rhyme, but this is by no means necessary. Poetry is an ancient form that has gone through numerous and drastic reinvention over time. The very nature of poetry as an authentic and individual mode of expression makes it nearly impossible to define.


◘ I forbade him entrance
◘ I forbade him love
◘ I forbade him breath

Kinds of Poetry

Narrative poetry is a form of poetry which tells a story, often making use of the voices of a narrator and characters as well; the entire story is usually written in metered verse. The poems that make up this genre may be short or long, and the story it relates to may be complex. It is usually dramatic, with objectives, diverse characters, and metre. Narrative poems include epics,balladsidylls and lays.

◘ The Battle of Naseby, by Thomas Babington Macaulay
◘ Balin and Balan, by Alfred Tennyson
◘ The Cavern by the sea, by Martha Lavinia Hoffman

Lyric poetry can defined as a poem that allows people to show their feelings.They also have a particular rhyming scheme. They can also be set to a beat or music.

◘ Turn back the heart you've turn away, by James DeFord
◘ Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?, by William Shakespeare
◘ I felt a funeral in my Brain, by Emily Dickinson

Dramatic poetry is a form of writing that expresses emotional feelings. It's a very creative form of art.

◘ The Dream Called Life, by Pedro Calderon de la Barca (1600-1681)
◘ The Law of the Jungle, by Rudyard Kipling
◘ The Raven, by Edgar Allan Poe

Lunes, Agosto 5, 2013


                                In the place of Al Priapo where the different people lived there’s a girl named Hanan who wants to have a long lasting relationship to a man she loved, and spent her life to a man she wanted to marry for eternity. She is very gorgeous yet she is a man hater that every guys who intended to court her is always busted that’s why some of guys are creepy to court her. Hanan is also talented, active on the school and popular that’s why they have haters who are insecure to her. Hanan has 3 bestfriends who are also popular the is Dian, she is also pretty like her, talented, play girl and friendly. The 2nd is Tala, she is pretty as Hanan and Dian, talented, good lover and simple the same with Idianate she is cute, talented emotional and NBSB. Their group of friendship called “The 4’s Marias”. They are very popular in their school and their friendship was going strong and they are happy with each other. Ever since, Hanan doesn’t want to mingle with other guys those she didn’t know or closed. But it doesn’t mean, that she is a man hater she never experienced to have a serious relationship but she does, not once but 4 times. She has a serious relationship at once the rest are for fun. But their relationship is not as long as she wanted. Hanan has a 1st love who hurts her so much that’s why she doesn’t get serious to her past boyfriends and she busted all of guys who intends to court her. When she was a child, Hanan starts asking for a sign to the man she will love. She is stick to her signs that she does believe no mtter what it would be true. She made 5 signs for her crush named Mapulon.

                                Mapulon is a childhood frined of Hanan, an elementary classmate, they are the same subdivision. He is also talented, popular, rich, handsome and very gentleman. He also has a feeling towards Hanan, he doesn’t tell it to Hanan because he was coward. He really loves Hanan ever since but Hanan doesn’t knew it. When the time comes, Mapulon decided to tell it to Hanan. He ask for help to his friend named, Apolake that his bestfriend and also old classmate of Hanan.

                                One day, Mapulon talked the sister of Hanan named, Maganda. Because Magada and Mapulon were very closed she help him. After the confrontation on that night Hanan give a chance to Mapulon to court her. Hanan was very happy that night, she never been experienced to feel that way but for Mapulon only. Her signs for Mapulon became true that she is very sure that Mapulon is the man she wants to marry. Mapulon exerts his effort he always make Hanan smiled. Hanan never looked those guys around her because she is loyal to Mapulon. Even she has a crush named Amanikable who courted her before but she busted her for just Mapulon. Amanikable hurt so much on that moment. Hanan feels so special, happy and in loved. But when the time comes that Mapulon back to Mailupa where he study his college degree they are near to each other. Mapulon made a lot of promises to Hanan and they are still communicating. Because of love of Hanan to Him, she trusted Mapulon. Months after, their communications got cold and Mapulon didn’t text Hanan always unlike before. Hanan wait patiently for his text. A-day afte, Hanan decided to message him but then she didn’t expect the responsed of Mapulon to her. Hanan was shocked, teary-eyed, her heart generally turn into pieces, she doesn’t know what supposed to do, and she was clueless what her done wrong to Mapulon to say that way. She cried and cried on that moment her friend Mayari and Ikapati comfort her. After that moment, everything had changed. Hanan was changed, she became numb and nothing care the feelings if she hurt those guys surrounded her. She never believed the signs unlike before, because of that sign for Mapulon she hurt so much. She was worse of being man hater unlike before; she knows how to dump all boys. Too much love had changed her to the point she became worst. She made a tough decision and she never believes the sign in terms of love. She had also learned that loving someone would never be stick on a sign because love is not about the sign.



HANAN - Goddess of morning.           












1.) I am not a facebook so that you cannot update me anytime,
      I am not a facebook so that you cannot put me a hash tag,
      I am not a facebook so that you cannot chat me,
      I am not a facebook so that you cannot tag me,
      I am not a facebook so that you cannot like me.


 2.) I am not a google so that you cannot search me,
      I am not a google so that you cannot get an information to me,
      I am not a google so that you cannot get a data,
      I am not a google so that you cannot know everything about me,
      I am not a google so I cannot give you a meaning.

                                                    3.) I am not a toy so that you cannot play with me,
                                                         I am not a toy so that you cannot hug me,
                                                         I am not a toy so that you cannot throw me,
                                                         I am not a toy so that you cannot buy me,
                                                         I am not a toy so that you cannot hit me.

4.) I am not a phone so that you cannot text me,
      I am not a phone so that you cannot call me,
      I am not a phone so that you cannot take a picture on me,
      I am not a phone so that you cannot play games with me,
      I am not a phone so that you cannot charge me.

                                                         5.) I am not a guitar so that you cannot string me,
                                                              I am not a guitar so that you cannot buy me,
                                                              I am not a guitar so that you cannot adjust me,
                                                              I am not a guitar so that you cannot used me,
                                                              I am not a guitar so I cannot play with me.

6.) I am not a food so that you cannot share me,
     I am not a food so that you cannot buy me,
     I am not a food so that you cannot eat me,
     I am not a food so that you cannot sell me,
     I am not a food so that you cannot cooked me.

7.)I am not a car so that you cannot race me,    

    I am not a car so that you cannot buy me,
    I am not a car so that you cannot drive you,
    I am not a car so I cannot put a gasoline on you,
    I am not a car so that you cannot change me.

8.)I am not a shirt so that you cannot wear me,
    I am not a shirt so that you cannot fold me,
    I am not a shirt so that you cannot washed me,
    I am not a shirt so that you cannot iron me,
    I am not a shirt so that you cannot purchase            me.

9.)I am not pen so that you cannot refill me,
   I am not a pen so that you cannot write me,
   I am not a pen so that you cannot borrowed me,
   I am not a pen so that you cannot put me anywhere,
   I am not a pen so that you cannot point me.

                                  10.) I am not a teacher so I cannot teach you,
                                         I am not a teacher so I cannot fail you,
                                         I am not a teacher so I cannot command you,
                                         I am not a teacher so I cannot give you an assignment,
                                         I am not a teacher so I cannot give you a contributions.

11.) I am not a doctor so I cannot check up on me
        I am not a doctor so I cannot give you a medicine,
        I am not a doctor so I cannot check your heartbeat,
        I am not a doctor so I cannot give a prescription,
        I am not a doctor to give you an operation.


1.) I used to be taken
      but now I prefer to be single.

2.) I used to be talkative
      but now I prefer to be quiet.

3.) I used to write poems
      but now I love to read poems.

4.) I used to be popular
      but now I prefer to be simple

5.) I used to be better
      but now I prefer to be bitter.

6.) I used to watch horror movies
      but now I love romantic movies.

7.) I used to watch Myx
      but now I love listening musics

8.) I used to have many boyfriends
      but now I prefer to have no one.

9.) I used collecting boyfriends
      but now |I prefer to set them free.

10.) I used to be silent
        but now I prefer to be fighter.

11.) I used to wear as always pink things
        but now I prefer to wear it sometimes.

12.) I used to to act like a childish
        but now I prefer to act like a teenager.

13.) I used to be irresponsible
        but now I prefer to be responsible.

14.) I used to be negative thinker
        but now I prefer to be positive thinker.

15.) I used to be man hater
        but now I realized I deserved to be loved.

16.) I tried to be singer
        but now I discovered to be a dancer.

17.) I used to be stubborn
        but now I prefer to be friendly.

18.) I used to work as model
        but now I prefer to study first.

19.) I used to be naughty
        but now I prefer to be good.

20.) I used to do bad things
        but now I prefer to do good things.

21.) I used to sleep early at night
        but now I prefer to rest late.

22.) I used to be coward
        but now I prefer to be brave.

23.) I used to be girlie
        but now I prefer to be boyish.

24.) I used to have many crushes
        but now I prefer to be liked them.

25.) I used to be numb
        but now I prefer to be open-minded.

26.) I used to be a dreamer
        but now I am willing to reach it.

27.) I used to be playgirl
        but now I prefer to be good girl.

28.) I used to eat chocolates
        but now I prefer to eat junk foods.

29.) I used to be perfect
        but now I prefer to be imperfect.

30.) I used to hang out everyday
         but now I prefer to stay in the house.

31.) I used to drink cokes
        but now I prefer water.

32.) I used to be loner
        but now I prefer to mingle.

33.) I used to be insecure
        but now I prefer to be contented.

34.) I always ignore Him
        but now I always praising Him.

35.) I used to be not sweet
        but now I always be sweet.

36.) I used to not eat vegetables
        but now I really love it.

37.) I used to run away to my problems
        but now I face it bravely.

38.) I used to love idols
        but now I don't.

39.) I used to read pocket book
         but now I love to read bible.

40.) I used to drink milk
        but now I prefer Milo.

41.) I used to be dishonest
        but now I learned to be honest.

42.) I used to follow my heart
        but now I prefer to follow my mind.

43.) I used to pretend like somebody
        but now I prefer to be myself.

44.) I used to to wear my fake smile
        but now I learned how to wear the real.

45.) I used to curse my enemy
        but now I prefer to pray for them.

46.) I used to wake up late at morning
        but now I prefer to wake up early.

48.) I used to eat 3 meals
        but now only 2 meals.

49.) I used to to played with the children
        but now I prefer to watch them playing.

50.) I used to be single
        but now I prefer to be taken.


1.) Old pond
      a frog jumps
      the sound of water.

2.) The tree cut,
      dawn breaks early
      at my little window.

3.) Snow in my shoe
      Sparrow's nest.

4.) Bass
      picking bugs
      off the moon.


5.) Meteor shower
     a gentle wave
     wets our sandals.

6.) The sweetest of leaves
      can become rather bitter
      when steeped for too long.

7.) All of these straw men
     together must constitute
     a huge fire hazard.

8.) Sleeping baby rest 

                                                                                         in the mighty hands of God
                                                                                         safest place to be.

                                                                        9.) Lightning and thunder,
                                                                              Earth and sky tremble and shake,
                                                                              God's awakening.

10.) Pause and reflect as
        we takes time to celebrate
        the day of your birth.

11.) Everything I touch
        with tenderness, alas
        bricks like a bramble.

12.) Over the wintry
        forest, winds howl in rage
        with no leaves to blow.

13.) As the wind does blow
       across the trees, I see the
       buds blooming in May.

14.) Falling to the ground,
        I watch a leaf settle down
        in a bed of brown.

15.) After summer's rain
        God's promise
        that they have a rainbow.

16.) The wind is blowing
        It is blowing very hard
        I don't like the wind.

17.) To be a leader,
        one must first dream them act out,
        fulfillment is yours.

18.) Silence around us
        our watchful eyes hear the world
        hands do the talking.

19.) I love Winnie the Pooh
        Winnie the Pooh loves to eat honey
        bees chase Winnie the Pooh.

20.) The Flowers
        Reached the sky
        As on the grass I lie.

21.) The winter is over
        spring is here hurry good cheer!

        I am glad it's here!

22.) Fall is almost here
        I like the colorful leaves
        others like the fall too.

23.) Snow falling slowly
        blanking the trees and road
        silence and beauty

24.) Creatures have homes
        they call it environment
        Humans ruin them.


 25.) Flowers are growing
        I feel the wind blow past me
        My heart keeps smiling.

                                                                                         26.) Sunlight melts the ice
                                                                                                 the water is rising high
                                                                                                 sea  is expanding.

27.) My heart is crying
        Our mother is in great pain
        How can we save her?

28.) The scent of cherry blossoms
         in the spring breeze
         Will see you tonight?

29.) Sunlight streams
        through red petals
        trembling like my heart.

30.) Will you turn toward me?
        I am lonely too,
        this Autumn evening.

31.) Everything I touch
        with tenderness, alas
        pricks like a bramble.

32.) Those who came before
         shall forever be with us,
         always remembered.

33.) Butterflies are cool
        in the big, huge, green forest.
        They fly up so high!

34.) Moths go flying by
        they are very beautiful
        fluttering around

35.) Poetry and love
         will fill your heart forever
         or rip it to shreds.

36.) The bee files quickly,
         it turns around and stings me
         then falls to the ground.

37.) Happiest Birthday!
        I would offer to sing, but
        nobody wants that.

38.) Hope you're surrounded
        by people and things you love
        on your special day.

39.) Blowing from the west
         Fallen leaves gather
         In the east.

40.) From time to time
        The clouds give rest
         To the moon-beholders.

41.) Over the wintry
        forest, winds howl in rage
        with no leaves to blow


42.) My life.-
        How much more of it remains?
        The night is brief.

43.) Consider me
        As one who loved poetry
        And persimmons.

                                                                                                        44.) No sky
                                                                                                               no earth - but still
                                                                                                               snowflakes fall.

45.) I fill an ant
        and realize my two niece
        have been watching.

46.) It's a land of dreams
        without beginning and end
        where I want to.

47.) The sun is magic
         I feel the need to hug it
         to the sun I'll fly.

48.) The bees are buzzing
         beautiful flowers are here
         The flowers smell good.

49.) Tulips are blooming
         Sun is out and shining bright
         Green grass is growing

50.) Beaches are open
       Strong waves are touching the roots
        kids are coming back.